From an Idea to a Top Tier Publication: Unleash Your Scholarly Potential with the SIMA Paper Development Workshop
In collaboration with Editors of Top Tier JournalsJune 12, 2024 - 14:30-18:30
PDW AIMThe Paper Development Workshop (PDW) has been conceived to engage young scholars and provide them with skills and insights into scientific research. Its primary objective is to guide these scholars through the complex process of paper writing, submission, and revision for high-ranking international journals. The 2024 Sinergie-SIMA PDW seeks to help young scholars align their research with current trends and challenges in the various management areas. For instance, aspiring academics can be encouraged to create papers that encompass diverse areas, notably strategic positioning of businesses in marketing, family business, leadership's role in organizational change management, corporate governance, internationalization, digital marketing trends, and the effect of corporate social responsibility on business performance.
Furthermore, offering support in choosing suitable journals, handling rejection, and navigating revisions specific to their field could enhance doctoral students' academic endeavours. From the early years of a PhD programme, supervisors do indeed encourage doctoral students to publish in top-ranking journals.
However, finding the 'right' gap, the perfect citation and the most appropriate robustness test for the analysis is challenging. It is important to remain objective and receptive to the reviewers' suggestions while preserving a logical and balanced structure in the paper. Sometimes, authors may face rejection or disappointment during the peer review process. While constructive feedback can greatly enhance the quality of manuscripts, reviewers' comments can also appear superficial, contradictory, or merely expressive of personal opinion.
This PDW aims to provide young scholars with specific and constructive feedback as they write, submit or resubmit their working papers for consideration in top-ranking international journals. The goal is to encourage high-quality research and support scholars throughout the submission process. Through this PDW, scholars will gain insights on selecting appropriate journals for their papers, managing the review and editorial processes.
TARGET AUDIENCEThe target audience of this PDW are young and mid-career scholars (Ph.D. students and candidates, Ph.D., research fellows, and assistant professors), who show robust interest in conceptual and empirical research in management.
The eligibility and submission requirements are to submit:
1. a bio sketch (one page);
2. the most recent version of the research paper (or extended abstract) that the author would like to discuss. Papers should be written in English.
3. a cover letter clearly stating the question(s) which they are struggling with (one page).
Authors are invited to indicate in a note on the front page the paper’s target journal(s), and, in the case of R&R papers, the journal in which the paper is under consideration at the time of the submission. In this latter case, authors may send the received reviews to start a helpful interaction with the expert discussants and the audience of the PDW to improve their responses to referees.
The organizers will select participants for the PDW based on the academic quality and impact of their submissions. Preference will be given to full papers. Conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative research, and literature review, will be equally considered in the selection process.
The maximum number of participants is 20 to facilitate interaction and more in-depth discussions.
PDW FORMAT 202414.00 Welcome
Silvia Bellini (University of Parma)
14:10 Round Table “Empowering Scholarly Excellence: Integrating Marketing and Management in Paper Development for Top-Ranking International Journals”
• Simone Aiolfi (University of Parma)
• Cristina Bettinelli (University of Bergamo)
Keynote speakers:
• Kimberly A. Eddleston (Schulze Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief at;
• Daniel Muzio (Professor of Management, University of York and General Editor of the Journal of Management Studies)
15:45 Coffee break
16:00 Parallel Sessions
Selected papers will be allocated to specific sessions for in-depth discussion. Each session will host four papers. Parallel paper discussion is organized as follows: each author will be invited to provide an overview of the paper’s core message, research questions, methodology, results and contributions, and the areas in which she/he is looking for specific advice (10 minutes). Each paper will receive developmental comments from two expert discussants (10 minutes) and Q&As from the audience (10 min).
Session 1: Publishing a Literature Review
Session 2: Publishing Quantitative and qualitative Research
Discussants: Massimo Picone (University of Palermo, Associate Editor of International Management Reviews); Silvio Vismara (University of Bergamo, Associate Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and of Small Business Economics); Savvas Papaggianids (Newcastle University Business School, Associate Editor for Technological Forecasting and Social Change and the International Journal of Information Management)
17:50 Closing Remarks
18:00 SIMA Next Generation meeting
19.00 Social Activities and Parma City Centre Special Tour by Unipr Team and SIMA Next Generation
20.30 Social dinner and networking
Papers should be submitted by email to and to and in c.c. to indicating “PDW UNIPR 2024” in the object of the email. Please also note that for this PDW each applicant will be allowed to submit only one paper.
PDW DEADLINES 202415 March 2024 Submission deadline for proposals
30 April 2024 Notification of review committee decisions
5 May 2024 Final paper submission and early bird registration deadline
12 June 2024 PDW
PWD ORGANIZING COMMITTEECristina Bettinelli, University of Bergamo
Simone Aiolfi, University of Parma